Wednesday May 25, 2022
Print on demand and the rising shipping costs
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss the rising shipping costs with Print on Demand and what they do to account for it! If you have a question you'd like us to discuss feel free to email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Key talking points:
- We are increasing the cost to account for the increased pricing we are experiencing.
- Art is a luxury item, so the target market isn't as susceptible to the increased prices.
- As artists, you need to be smart business entrepreneurs and not absorb the costs.
- It would be best if you did not profit from shipping.
- Order prints or start a collaboration with a local printing company to save on shipping.
- Consider switching materials for a more cost-efficient way of shipping.
What are you doing about the rising costs, email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
- Art Pricing Calculator - tool artists can use to guide them to the right art price.
- Allied Printing is a great place in Huntsville, AL for printing
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Listener Q&A: How Important Are Titles and Why are Artists Underpaid?
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss listener questions! If you have a question you'd like us to discuss feel free to email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Key talking points:
- How important are titles to your artwork?
- It depends if it is about a story, or for commercial purposes.
- It also depends if you are focused on SEO (search engine optimization).
- It also helps with inventory
- Why are artists so underpaid?
- "Exposure"
- Royalties range from 2- 8%, and if you have an agent they take 10-15%
- 1) Artists are doing it to themselves
- we aren't negotiating or pricing their artwork to reflect their skill and experience level.
- they aren't doing the research in the marketplace
- 2) there is not a natural selection to weed out the ones that aren't necessarily going to be a professional.
- artists are given a stereotype that art doesn't have value,
- Know the value.
Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
- Art Pricing Calculator - tool artists can use to guide them to the right art price.
- Never Split The Difference: Negotiate Like Your Life Depends on It - a must-read book
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Top Tools We Use To Stay Creative and Productive
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss Stephanie's tools you can use to ensure you are always creating the designs and products you love. If you have a question you'd like us to discuss feel free to email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Key talking points:
- Productive
- Clickup.com - for task management and project management.
- Stephanie's recommendation would be to start with Airtable for a low cost, the lower learning curve to figure out your process flow.
- Creative
- Inspiration to be creative and the tool of choice to help be creative for Julie is Adobe Photoshop.
- Another is Pinterest, Discover on Instagram.
- Julie also uses OneNote to list ideas of inspiration
- Stephanie talks with her kids to build some creative ideas and meets with fellow artists to talk through ideas.
Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Airtable is a great place to start for managing inventory. The course Inventory management course and database template is available to members of PositivePainter.com
Clickup.com - more advanced project management system that gets you ready to outsource your work.
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Why artists need a website?AND what are some considerations when putting one together.
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss Stephanie's do artists need a website. If you have a question you'd like us to discuss feel free to email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Key talking points:
- a resounding yes!
- a website is a portfolio.
- Quick websites you can set up are Behance, Wix, and many others
- by having your own website you are getting a captive audience.
- lzbthcreative.com is a member in Stephanie's Positive Painter Program who has done a phenomenal job of evolving her website to define her purpose.
- when you own your own website, you can customize it to your style
- when you own your website you can't be shut down by Facebook, Instagram etc...
- bubblybibbly.com if you love reading and libations that can go with them.
- listen for more options in the podcast
- Protect Your Image Tips
- watermark your artwork
- disable right-clicking
- have the images be 72dpi so they can't be reproduced.
- a resounding yes!
- What to name your website:
- identify with your brand - if you don't know what you want then use your name (if it is easy to spell and available)
Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Check out these two articles:
06_Art Business Tip: Art Business Revenue Streams – Part 1 - Define Artist Website
07_Art Business Tip: Art Business Revenue Streams – Part 2 - Artist Website
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
What is the best piece and worst piece of advice you’ve gotten?
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss Stephanie's answer a listener question "what was the best piece of advice" and then we added "what was the worst piece of advice"! If you have a question you'd like us to discuss feel free to email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Key talking points:
- Stephanie's best advice she received was to use her cell phone to convert the image to black and white to see the values better.
- Another app is called "Grid Painter" which helps you see black and white and reduces the number of values
- Julie's best advice received was "People buy your joy" by Lila Rodgers.
- Rachel's best advice from Jennifer Redstreake was "paint what you see" because everyone sees things differently.
- Worst Advice:
- Stephanie's someone said to buy the cheapest paint because you'll over paint. Instead buy good paint like Williamsburg Paint, Old Holland, and Gamblin, because it is high-quality paint, Polychromos, Prisma colors. The same applies for the other brands.
- Julie's bad advice that she received was "just put it out there". Instead of just putting it out there, Julie only posts things she doesn't have any reservations about - she only posts what she's proud of.
- Good enough for everyone else is not good enough for you.
- Do you pull off pieces that you are no longer proud of? Julie doesn't because it is too difficult to do it. Pulled stuff from my website - yes.
- Rachel's worst piece of advice was to send the Star Wars people images of her artwork to see if they would allow her to sell them.
- What do you do with archived/old pieces that you aren't proud of?
- Stephanie and Julie - start fresh. The old pieces showed where we were and were lessons learned.
- Get back to the fun, not every piece needs to be monetized. You don't have to sell the work if you don't want to.
- Stephanie's best advice she received was to use her cell phone to convert the image to black and white to see the values better.
Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Sabbaticals - what do they look like and why can’t you do some of that now
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss Stephanie's recent sabbaticals - what she does, how a sabbitcial looks, how a sabbitcial helps you reset and some tips on how to grab that time for yourself! If you have a question you'd like us to discuss feel free to email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Key talking points:
- For Stephanie she now takes every 7 weeks off for 7 days to refill her cup(spirit, sense of self).
- During the sabbatical, Stephanie does things that are for her and not serve other people.
- The unexpected result is that Stephanie began remembering what SHE enjoys and rediscovering the things that brought her relaxation and joy.
- We need to take more time for ourselves, especially women who are so often serving others, to become a better version of ourselves.
- Remember that when you do take time for yourself, you are showing your daughters this is ok and healthy for your self-health.
- Tips for getting the kids to comply with mom's need to recharge.
Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Pricing of courses...what are some of these artists thinking?
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss how they've noticed some artists are charging ridiculous pricing for courses. If you have a question you'd like us to discuss feel free to email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Key talking points:
- Are artists trying to take advantage of artists with the pricing structure of the courses? Charging $1500 for a 6-week course is more than what you'd pay for a college-level focused course.
- In-depth courses should have pre-requisites to ensure that everyone within the course has the same level of experience.
- We kind of get fired up about everyone taking advantage of artists.
- To find the success you need from these courses you need the self-discipline to get something out of the course.
- Copyrighting for content go to Jim Edwards's book Copyrighting Secrets. and his software is trafficsecretsscripts.com
- Emails should be short and sweet...Headline is the #1 thing to focus on. Use this headline analyzer to help with your open rate.
- You cannot take a 6-week course and expect to be successful.
- Keep in mind that these course providers are only showcasing their top 1%...
- Do the research on the teachers that are selling the course to evaluate whether they are worth it. Look at LinkedIn, their shops, Google them, their Facebook, etc.
- Art classes and business classes from artists should be the same price rather than devaluing their art side.
- Put your courses at a realistic price.
- Artists need to stop devaluing their art courses.
Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
- Jim Edwards's book Copyrighting Secrets. and his software is trafficsecretsscripts.com
- headline analyzer
- Lots of Free Art Business Resources here.
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
What are you doing during this time of inflation and world unrest with your business?
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss how they are dealing with this time of inflation and unrest within their businesses - we'd love to hear what you are doing as well! Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Key talking points:
- Know who your target audience is and if they are being impacted
- Pivot your product and sales offerings
- Diversity
- Take advantage of this time by writing your processes
- Analyze your inventory - what sold and what didn't sell well
- Plan upcoming sales
- To ease your cost of materials - try new materials
- Look for opportunities to collaborate with other artists
- Make small adjustments
- Check out this article: Protect Your Creative Business From A Recession
- Get your finances together:
- Stephanie recommends Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey and PILL Method by Don Danial
- Build solid relationships with clients
- Get another job - pride doesn't pay the bills, a responsible adult does. This is admirable.
- Be mindful and be creative with your strategy to move forward.
- Get your finances together:
Wherever we are going, this is a stepping stone. Collectively lets take a breath and do what we can. Stand strong.
Do you research or just go for it? Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss how they get into the right frame of mind to create and create something outside of your norm. I bet you'll resonate and if you have additional ways we want to hear! Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Key talking points:
- having a personal goal of creating every day forced Julie to just do and not think.
- don't focus on the end result is perfect, but just create for the sake of creating.
- Julie finds it more freeing to use loose-leaf paper instead of part of a book.
- remember that some of your artwork is for you and not for sharing - or maybe not sharing at this time.
- do something that is not part of your norm - maybe a new medium, go to a new place etc...
The basic rules are:
1. Create something every day
2. Have zero expectations of what it will be
3. Use looseleaf paper
Do you research or just go for it? Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Art Business Membership Program - Get More Time In Your Studio To Create Course
Daily, Weekly, Monthly Artist Checklist
Plastic sleeves Julie mentioned
OneNote - digital journal
NoteShelf - digital journal
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Do you do research in preparation for a piece?
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss whether they research their next art piece or project - and the answer was a resounding yes! But listen to what they do - I bet you'll resonate and if you have additional ways we want to hear! Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Key talking points:
- there is a lot of research that goes into creating an imaginative, realistic piece.
- research on where to photograph artwork, how to modify to make it showcase the subject that may get skewed in the lense
- the research should be accounted for in pricing your artwork
- How do you keep your research: OneNote, Noteshelf
- For Stephanie, she gets into analysis, paralysis - so she does best with just starting.
Do you research or just go for it? Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Art Business Membership Program - Get More Time In Your Studio To Create Course
OneNote - digital journal
NoteShelf - digital journal
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com