Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Stay Confident in Your Art
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss how we stay confident in our art and abilities despite setbacks.
Key talking points:
- Don't compare yourself to others, instead compare where you were last year and where you are now.
- Keep a list of your accomplishments.
- Remind yourself of your purpose.
- It is ok to re-evaluate your goals and set new deadlines.
- Create for yourself not what others want from you.
- Take a break and re-evaluate and restart when you remember your dream.
What is your big dream? Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Art Business Membership Program - Get More Time In Your Studio To Create Course
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Growing Pains
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss growing pains and how do you know it is growing pains or a signal that you should be doing something else.
Key talking points:
- We are always constrained by:
- time
- money
- scope
- To move past the pain focus on your dream goal and go through the goals to reach new heights.
- Check out the Goal setting episode
- Get support to help you through the growing pains.
- There is no shame in getting a 'normal' job to get past the financial pain.
- Another growing pain is lack of training.
- For business resources, your local chamber or library, or small business association will have some resources.
- Online resources
- Take in-person classes to expand your knowledge and network.
- Don't add to your growing pains by comparing yourself to others. This is your journey.
- From the growing pains, take a minute to evaluate what you learned from the pain.
Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Art Business Membership Program - Get More Time In Your Studio To Create Course
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Goal setting and planning for art and art business
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss goal setting and planning for their art and art business.
Key talking points:
- Understand what you envision your life to be and then define your goals to drive towards your dream.
- Jule's JMA Planner enables you to define your goals and vision on a larger purpose. Check her planner out here.
- Create SOPs (Standard Operating Procedure) to create the step-by-step processes
- Take the time to plan.
- Don't multi-task, it actually degrades your effectiveness to complete a single task.
- Put time estimates into each of the tasks.
- Choose what works for you: batch or task or another way that you prefer to work - experiment with what works best for you and the environment that you live.
What do you do to stay motivated working from home? Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Clickup (affiliate link) is software that helps Stephanie keep her checklists.
Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover (Amazon affiliate link)
Art Business Membership Program - Get More Time In Your Studio To Create Course
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
What keeps you motivated working from home?
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss what we do to stay motivated working from home.
Key talking points:
- Checklists help Stephanie. She uses Clickup.com to keep everything straight
- Journaling ideas.
- Deadlines is motivating for Jules.
- It is ok to accept the days that you feel unmotivated
- Small chunks in batch
- Two types of motivations is internal and external factors - unmotivating is when there is not a return on investment of our time.
- Rachel stays motivated by taking classes, being with people, and dedicating time
- Freshening up your creative space.
- Take the time to play in the world around us.
What do you do to stay motivated working from home? Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Clickup (affiliate link) is a software that helps Stephanie keep her checklists.
Positive Painter Group Art Classes: on Wednesday night 6-9pm Central and 11-2Central on Fridays.
Book Artists Way (affiliate link) by Julia Cameron - create a date with yourself or friends to create.
Alabama Art Supply - great, family-owned art shop in Birmingham, Alabama
Fabulous places to walk around for inspiration and motivation
- Anthropologie
- Jennifer Redstreake a watercolor artist recommends the supermarket
- Hobby Lobby
- Home Goods
Books that inspire new ideas and motivate;
- Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
- Hamlet book
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
10 Tips to Keep Your Electronic Files Organized
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss how to organize your electronic files - why it is needed and some ideas....get a pen and paper for this one!
Key talking points:
- Organizing our electronic files is also a BIG topic of organization/reorganization.
- Jules uses OneDrive
- Rachel uses iDrive
- Stephanie uses Google Drive, iCloud,
- 3-2-1 rule is 3: Create one primary backup and two copies of your data. 2: Save your backups to two different types of media. 1: Keep at least one backup file offsite.
10 Tips to Keep Your Electronic Files Organized
During this conversation, we review and discuss the article "10 File Management Tips to Keep Your Electronic Files Organized" article by Susan Ward of "The Balance Small Business" website. Be prepared to giggle at how nutty we are!
10. Backup your files regularly
- 3-2-1 rule is 3: Create one primary backup and two copies of your data. 2: Save your backups to two different types of media. 1: Keep at least one backup file offsite.
9. Cull your files regularly - after Rachel explains what "cull" means - we discuss what files we can remove or archive files. Artists - do not delete reference images.
8. Order your files for your convenience.
7. File as you go. Name things properly and apply keywords (Adobe Bridge is a fabulous tool to use)
6. Be specific in your file naming. Be sure to document HOW you are going to name your files.
5. Follow the naming conventions. Be sure to document HOW you are going to name your files.
4. Nest your folders (example: Artwork and subfolder Collection Title/Subject) - we start to nerd out a bit at this point :) 03_Marketing - 03a_Pitches, 03b_Instagram, etc...
3. Create Folders in a logical structure.
- Another example:
- 2021_Pet Portrait
- - Client Name_Pet Name
- Reference Image
- Finished Image
- Social Media Images
- - Client Name_Pet Name
- 2021_People Portrait
- Client Name_Subject Name
- Reference Image
- Finished Image
- Social Media Images
- Client Name_Subject Name
- 2021_Pet Portrait
2. Make sure you document the structure that you will have in place. Love the SOPs!
1. Use the default installation folder drive
Email us how many times you organize your studio and what do you use to organize your electronic files at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
KeePass - manages all the password
SOP - Standard Operating Procedures, Positive Painter Art Business Members will have access to an advanced time management course that includes SOP templates and curriculum.
Adobe Bridge for managing files and assigning keyword
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
How many times have you reorganized your studio?
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss how many times do you organize your studio?
A) one and done
B) At least 10 times in 5 years
C) More than I can remember
Key talking points:
- We notice we rearranged for three reasons:
- 1. overwhelm
- 2. purge and refresh
- 3. keep things at hands reach
- Setting up your creative space when you travel
- Organizing our electronic files is also a BIG topic of organization/reorganization.
- Jules uses OneDrive
- Rachel uses iDrive
- Stephanie uses Google Drive, iCloud,
- 3-2-1 rule is 3: Create one primary backup and two copies of your data. 2: Save your backups to two different types of media. 1: Keep at least one backup file offsite.
Email us how many times you organize your studio and what do you use to organize your electronic files at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
What to do when you have unrealistic expectation
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss what we do when we have unrealistic expectations
Key talking points:
- Are we living in an age of "over-hypeness"? - YES!
- If it sounds too good to be true - it is.
- Look for opinions from people you trust
- Be you. Know your audience, know that you are enough.
- Know that the "success" stories are just 1% of the actual viewpoint.
- Realize that your journey is not the same as someone else's. And along with that,
- Look at your competitors or people you love and see what they are doing or working for them and see if there is a technical aspect you can apply in YOUR voice.
- Talk with people who are in the same boat as you.
How do you handle unrealistic expectations? If you do the Roadmap of artwork progression project or #positivepainter - share it with us, email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Listener Q&A
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Rachel, Stephanie, and Jules answer listener questions.
If you would like to submit a question for us to consider, please send your questions to: hello@artistssoar.com
Resources or People Mentioned
Julie's piece was an experiment that she loved. Folk art Piece Destroyed Piece
Microsoft Surface Pro (affiliate link)
Sennelier, La Petite Aquarelle Watercolor Sets
Cushioned Comfort Anti-Fatigue Floor Mat
Ampersand Gessobords (for oil painting)
Art Pricing Calculator (the price has increased since this recording and it is totally worth it)
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
What are you doing or do to stay positive?
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss what we do to stay positive.
Key talking points:
- acknowledge the negative, ignoring it will cause it to fester
- once you acknowledge the negative, then find the action that is needed to move forward
- remove yourself from the negative people - even it is an email, delete it.
- evaluate the painful situations to figure out the lessons that you are to learn to move forward.
- set realistic expectations...you are not that person you are comparing yourself to.
- This is your journey.
- It is ok to change your path.
What do we do to stay centered and positive:
- do our hobbies, prayer, meditation, create a different atmosphere
- be still, get grounded, get outside and be still, write down your negative thoughts and burn the papers (safely)
- listen to Insight Timer to help reset your mindset
- Do some positive affirmations
- Write and keep notes of appreciation - "Sugar cubes"
- Do a headstand
We'd love to hear what you do to stay positive, email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
The previous episode with listener questions: Listener Q&A
Diversify your product offerings using Print on Demand
Insight time - marvelous app to help you meditate
To aid your efforts in doing a headstand - Check out Feet Up
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Jules, Rachel, and Stephanie discuss the difficulty involved in creating your brand - especially if you have a name that is already taken by someone else or you have a stalker...
- Make sure you Google your name
- With Etsy you want your name to be SEO based
- Add a QR code to your business card
- If you are worried about your security - choose a name that isn't related to your name.
- On Facebook, you can segment your personal profile page to share with just them.
What is your name? Share with us your story of how you came up with your name. Email us at hello@artistssoar.com
Rise with us! On Artists Soar!
Resources Mentioned
Our Websites and Shops
Stephanie: https://www.stephanieweaverartist.com/
Julie: https://www.juliemstudios.com/
Rachel: https://bubblybibbly.com/
Got a Listener Question?
Email us at: hello@artistssoar.com